Responsible Gambling:
Internet Safety

The internet is vast, and protecting children from the harshness of the world is a natural instinct of any excellent elder, but teaching them how to defend themselves is what makes a better one. They are taught how to cross the road properly, why it’s important to tie their shoelaces, which warning signs to look for when they are approached by strangers, where to go or who to call in case of emergencies and how to get home from wherever they are. They are taught these lessons so they know what to do when guardians aren’t within reach.

As we evolve alongside technology, how do we teach them about internet safety? Here, we take a brief look at internet safety and different ways in which minors can be prevented from visiting online casinos and any other websites where minors are not allowed. This is part of our Responsible Gambling campaign where we shed light on how players can be more cognizant of how to play online casino games in a more responsible fashion. 

What Is Internet Safety? 

Internet Safety is the active practice of keeping children safe from exposure to or interactions with inappropriate content, age-restricted content, harassment, invasion of privacy, online casinos and malicious software that may be installed. 

To help prevent potential problems from happening, we’ve compiled a list of the Top 10 Protection Apps To Keep Children Safe on the Internet:

As a casino, not only are we required by law to vet our players to ensure they are 18 years old and above, but we have a moral commitment to you to inform you of the different ways in which you can protect your information, yourself, and minors who have internet access. FatBet Casino reserves the right to request proof of identity in order to verify a player’s age. Should a player not be of legal age, FatBet Casino will immediately deny that player access to the website and block that account. 

Moreover, we ask that all age-appropriate players advise minors to steer clear of online casinos. As there is only so much we can do, we encourage players to always consider doing the right thing and ensure that they have put the necessary measures in place to prevent access to minors, as no underage gambling will be tolerated at FatBet Casino.